
This document details how to get the maximum oomph out of VecPP.


The compiler is smart

By and large, VecPP relies on the compiler as much as possible. In fact, VecPP intentionally avoids using simd intrinsincs and assembly as much as possible, and lets the compiler figure things out for itself.

Compiler flags


Make sure you tell your compiler to use simd instructions. -mavx and the like will help a lot.

Stack Protection

-fstack-protector-strong can hurt VecPP performance a lot. Also, it is enabled by default on Ubuntu systems.

Align structures

When combined with SIMD, this has a major performance impact.

struct My_vec_traits : public vecpp::Vec_Traits {
  enum {
    align = 32,

using Vec4 = vecpp::Vec<float, 4, My_vec_traits>;

constexpr as much as possible.

For anything that is known at compile-time, constexpr will make a big difference (even over const).

constexpr Vec3 x = cross(up, right);

Only use ct() to address constexpr compilation failures.

ct() is not a "go fast" flag. It's a "compiler-friendly" flag.