vecpp :: reference


template<typename T>
struct Angle;

Angle is a wrapper type around a representation that helps manage angles in a consistent manner.

Angle values are always kepts within the ]-PI, PI] range at all times.

Member types

Member Type Definition
value_type T

Member functions

Member Behavior
(destructor) does nothing
operator= ovewrite the angle with another angle
from_deg new angle from a degree value
from_rad new angle from a radian value
as_deg get the angle value as radians
as_rad get the angle value as degrees

Non-member functions

Language support

Function Behavior
operator<< print to stream

Binary operations

Function Behavior
operator== compares two angles for equality
operator!= compares two angles for inequality
operator< compares two angles
operator<= compares two angles
operator> compares two angles
operator>= compares two angles
operator-= in-place diff angles
operator+= in-place add angles
operator- diff angles
operator+ add angles
operator*= in-place scale angle
operator/= in-place scale angle
operator* scale angle
operator/ scale angle

Unary operations

Function Behavior
operator-(unary) negation

Trigonometric functions

Function Behavior
sin sine
cos cosine
tan tangent

Advanced/unsafe functions

Member Behavior
raw gets the raw internal value of the angle
from_clamped_deg unsafe new angle from a degree value
from_clamped_rad unsafe new angle from a radian value